Wednesday, June 9, 2010

In the beginning...

There was a lot of thought that went into me maintaining another blog. I already have one, but that is to keep track of the Little Miss' milestones, and I do a very poor job at keeping up with her blog. I think I have the reason why I have done so poorly - it is hard for me to know that someday she is going to read everything I have put in that blog. There are some things that I would like to decide if she reads - you know when that day comes!! So with that being said, I hope my decision to have two blogs will make maintaining both a bit easier!

So here are some things that I will talk about here!!!

- Mommy Advice - the good, the bad, and the ugly!! (I will do my best to not make that my main topic!)
- My struggle to stay organized
- General life advice I have, or have been given that I feel should be posted for everyone else to know about
- My life goals - these range daily, but I think by posting them, it will make me more accountable

So without further ado, here we go!!